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Here at GodSquad Church, we are passionate about accomplishing our vision to help every gamer experience 4 things: to help every gamer Know God, Experience Community, Discover Their Purpose, and Make a Difference. We believe that in order to accomplish our vision we need clear direction on how exactly we plan to accomplish that.

In our 2024 roadmap, we lay out specific direction on how as a church community we plan to accomplish our vision as we move forward throughout this year.


On the bottom of the graphic, you will see Know God, Experience Community, Discover Your Purpose, and Make a Difference. Each of these words are color-coded, and the colors correlate to the colors of the banners on the roadmap as they explain how we plan to accomplish that vision. (i.e. Know God is blue and our Kingdom Builders Prayer and Fasting banner is blue because that will be one way we practically accomplish helping gamers Know God, etc.)

Here is an overview of our roadmap for 2024
For a full in-depth video overview of our roadmap check out the video posted above.

XP Groups (Experience Community) 

We have several semesters throughout the year where gamers can join an XP Group. XP Groups are groups of 10-12 gamers who meet for about an hour weekly to connect, pray together, encourage one another, and study the Bible together. Our hope is to help gamers gain XP to level up in their faith. Most groups are formed off an interest or a specific game to bring gamers who play similar games together.

You can sign up for one of our XP Groups here:

Kingdom Builders - 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting (Know God)

We believe a healthy church can impact the gaming community more than ever before. We also believe that a healthy church starts with healthy people. As a church we will be taking 21 days to pray and fast and ask God to Build us so can build His Kingdom. Check out our “Prayer & Fasting” category in our Discord server to follow along with our daily prayer guides as we journey through this as a church together!

Join us for our prayer streams:
Tues-Sat: 8am-11am ET & 10:30pm ET


Community-Wide Bible Reading Plan (Know God)
We truly believe that growing our church will not be based on hype, events, strategies, or ideas. We believe that spending time with God, praying, and reading His word is the best thing we can lead our church to do. It will change every aspect of our lives. Starting on May 25th we will be starting a community-wide Bible reading plan via the FREE YouVersion Bible app and Our entire church community will be able to read through the Bible together! More info coming soon on where to find the exact reading plan.

Download the YouVersion Bible app FREE:

Launching Weekly Game Nights (Experience Community)
We believe being together as a church community is incredibly important, not just to attend a service, but to do life together. This is why we are launching weekly game nights every Saturday at 9:30pm ET. There will be game rooms hosting specific games where you can easily join to connect and play with great people! We also see this as being an entry point for people who want to check out our church for the first time. Many people might not be interested in attending a service at first, but they may be interested in a game night as a way to check out our church for the first time.

We are looking to build a team of people who are excited to bring people together. The task is simple, you would join a rotating schedule of people once or twice a month to join Discord on Saturdays at 9:30pm ET, be in a voice room of your favorite game (i.e. League of Legends), and invite people who also play that game to play with you! It’s that easy!


Make a Difference HERE by joining our team of Game Hosts:

Launching Monthly Prayer Nights (Know God & Experience Community)
Starting at the end of June we will be launching monthly prayer nights for our church to get together, seek God, and pray for each other and the gaming community, and more. Keep an eye out for dates and times posted in the Discord Events tab at the very top of our Discord server. 


XP Path Update (Discover Your Purpose)
As of right now, we have a 3-week introductory class that helps gamers learn about our church, who we are, and how we can help them discover their purpose, make a difference, and pursue partnership with our church if they are interested. We are looking to continue to build on this and emphasize more ways in which we can help gamers Discover their Purpose!


Fresh New Look - Graphic Overhaul
As an online church for gamers, we need to be using the latest technology, graphics, and media. We will never change our interior core mission to preach God’s Word, but our exterior design needs to stay modern in a modern world to best connect with the gamers we hope to reach. We have already begun working on a new and exciting graphic overhaul for our church. This will include new graphics, overlays, videos, and more. Stay tuned for our fresh new makeover coming end of summer 2024. Same church, new look.


Outreach Overhaul (Make a Difference)
One of our major focuses this year will also be asking God, “How can we accomplish outreach to evangelize and serve the gaming community?” Jesus did not wait in heaven for people to come to Him. He came down to where we were and met us where we were on the earth. What does it look like for GodSquad Church to get out of our own Discord server and serve the gaming community? How can we make such a difference in the gaming community that people would say about us “The gaming community is better because GodSquad Church exists”? Stay tuned for more info this summer on how as a church we can work together to implement this vision!


IRL Community Meetup (Experience Community)
Although we will not be hosting our annual SquadCon in 2024, we will be hosting a community meetup in a private hall we have rented at this year's Nerd Culture Ministry Summit in Colorado Spring, CO. We will have the chance to play board games, connect, and enjoy this amazing event together! If you would like to come connect at this event and meet up with other members of our community in person, we would love to see you there! Pastor Souzy and Pastor Amanda will be there in person and would love to meet you! SoulLux, our Media Director may also be there depending on when her baby is due. If you didn’t know, she is pregnant with her second child!

We hope you are excited to build God’s Kingdom and His Church together! This is something we will all accomplish together to see gamers won for Christ. Stay tuned for more info on exact dates as we move forward!

Our Focus & Vision

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